Monday, February 13, 2006

Red tape, incompetent lawyers, criteria for selecting a hotel and the rest of the week's travels

I'm at Dubai airport having survived yet another round of Arab red tape in getting the company set up here.....Our lawyers here messed up yet again. They are a firm of UK lawyers who pretend to have an inside track....they can't really practice law here....but pretend they have "connections"....None have them have been here more than a year...the procedures change daily and they can't for the life of them produce documents without mistakes on dates etc....the only way to get things done is to do it yourself......Chinese water torture....keep showing up and you eventuaally get your own way. There vent over!

I stayed at the TAJ Palace in Wafi this time arab/Indian hotel....totally dry, so no bar, and happily devoid of the hookers that seem to infest all drinking establishments in Dubai. The place was fine but had no braodband, so really is impractical for business travel. Many of my friends ask why I don't stay at the Hilton. .....Well there is one reason:

The idea of contributing one penny to her gucci lifestyle is enough to ban Hilton hotels from my life.

This airport is an odd place. Its the crossroads of asia and africa and does a bizarre trade in washing powder, hand soaps and sanitary towels in addition to the usual duty free fare.

Well gotta run to catch this flight!

Home to the UK for 24 hours then Madrid on Thursday!


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