Sunday, April 23, 2006

Do the math

$1= $116 Yen
£1=207 Yen

I guess Mexican immigration doesn't look so bad now huh?


Anonymous said...

Yo Terry,

Mexican here! You're right the average American has no idea that they are getting cheap produce because there is a Mexican immigrant working for peanuts doing a very hot and dirty job with no medical, no dental, no retirement plan, no 401K. I guess they won't understand until they deport all the illegal immigrants and then try to convince their teenage son put down their video game and to go to Yuma, AZ and pick cantaloupe in 117 degree heat with no bathroom breaks.

Terry said...

Hey thanks for the comment! I'm glad you got what I was seems a couple of people misread what I meant.

Anonymous said...

How about the service industry, and immigrant labor contribution?

I'm not sure things are the same after 9/11, but according to one Tijuana based political activist, border patrol turns a blind eye to crossings into the US from Mexico during that crucial harvest season in Cali.

Interesting read on the nanny/maid express in LA:

Anonymous said...

I have talked with people who have crossed the border, were stopped by the border patrol, and then told, by the same patrol, to keep trying until they were succesful. They would also tell them when was the best time to cross; what time they were going to take a break, and some times, they would even pretend they were asleep in their patrol cars to let these people come into the country.
Illegal immigration... my eyes!