The lady above is selling a local sweet whose Korean name sounds like "yuck" in English and is a sort of pumpkin toffee. Quite nice and not too sweet. She was selling the stuff at a service area along the highway between Seoul and points south. I was up at 5 this morning and on the road by 7. The most interesting part of the day was the stop to get gas and coffee. It was typical of similar rest stops in the UK and US except that there were none of the Burger Kings or Starbucks. The food was Korean, and consisted of these sorts of snacks:
There were a few innovations here that would probably be welcome back home. Strollers for young and old were available for hire.My favorite attraction however was the batting cage. After watching these two guys swinging and missing, I thought I'd have a go.
Suffice to say that no major leaguers need worry.
I never thought I'd be swinging a bat beside a highway in South Korea. It just goes to show that life is full of fun little surprises.
That's pretty much it for Korea. As usual the prices have been jarring. I'm also struck by the presence of over 50,000 US troops here ( all thanking their lucky stars that they are here), but the almost negligible impact they seem to have on Korean society. The Americans live a parallel existence. Arm Forces TV is on the hotel telly, but the average Korean is completely uninterested. They're here but not here.
That's it
Greetings from tomorrow as I'm 14 hours ahead of the US and 9 ahead of the UK.
Next time you hear from me I'll be in the land where "its glorious to get rich".
I couldn't resist reminding you that you and I onced laughed at your father when he go into that batting cage in Ottawa years ago. We laughed until we had a try and realized how hard it was.
You neglected to mention whether you actually managed to hit the ball or not!!
Ok, Ok....I DID hit the ball roughly one in three. Not bad except that was the THIRD time in the cage. They had to hustle me away and back to the car as I would have been there all day given the chance.
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