Friday, March 09, 2007

250th post!

I forgot to tell you I saw Pan's Labyrinth on the flight from Rio to Madrid and despite the subtitles (Its originally in Spanish) I loved it.
I'm not a big fantasy/Science fiction fan but this movie is cool on so many different levels.
Its set in Fascist Spain and is subtle ( ya sure you say) but gets a message of various bits of lefty ideology across in a wierd ,funny way.
Or maybe I was just buzzed on the free wine.
Well I WAS buzzed on the wine but it's still a good movie.

Go and see it and have a freaky, fun evening.
The subtitles can let you pretend its all very cerebral , earnest and worthy.

Just go and have fun and have a great weekend!

Next post Jess and her Birthday and Ireland!

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