Thursday, April 26, 2007

Man I'm Bored

I'm doing a little poll regarding fav pics from India.
Tell me which pic you liked best.
Here are the ones I think are decent.
Yes, yes this is self indulgent and is T asking to be stroked...but so what its my blog.
If you think they're crap or have a different choice leave a comment- I promise I'll publish em all. If no one votes then this little experiment won't be repeated.
Any other poll suggestions- pics or otherwise will be gratefully received and posted.
I think I'm spending far too much time online......
Here are the pics again.
Vote on the right.


Or a republican will be back in the White House....I hear Jeb is considering a run.......



Anonymous said...

"Woman Close"
Half of her face looks like she is dead. The other half looks like she is half gone.
She looks simply sad, very sad.

Anonymous said...

Jeb doesn't have a chance in hell!

I will vote later.

xoxnicoco said...

out of the ones featured: girl at window. i think the guru looks better in the picture further away. and i think you should have considered using the one with the kid on the stairs... however, all of your pics are great.

Anonymous said...

For me it is the woman with child. Her smile somehow leaves the impression of some hope. I am probably fooling myself, but some optimism within a lot of the dispair is what I would like to think.

Anonymous said...

"Women grooming" my foot! She was looking for head lice.

Terry said...

Looking for lice is grooming isn't it?

Anonymous said...

The low tide shot's the one for me. Always liked to look at boats with their keels dug into the beach - always will. I find it's symbolic of rest, 6 hours of down time until the tide rolls back in and it's off to work again. I know it sounds a little flaky but for that reason an empty boat on the beach has never looked empty to me. Nice pic.

BTW - Drop me a line when you have time Terry,I'm off to the new job in Montreal in July. Cheers.