Monday, June 18, 2007

Back from Amsterdam and off again

I'm back for 24 hours and then off again.
It seems, by the number of unpublished comments I've been getting (and they'll remain unpublished) that some of you were annoyed with my posted impressions.
This is just a short post, but before I sign off I should relate an odd characteristic of using your credit card in Columbia .
When you buy something with a card (meal, drinks, clothes,etc) you're asked:
"How many charges do you want?"
This means: how many chunks do you want the bill broken into?
The store/restaurant/bar is willing to divide a purchase into as many equal monthly card charges as you want.
They apply their own additional interest rate! They're granting you additional credit guaranteed by Visa or Mastercard. Theoretically they can score the extra interest, and if you pay off the charges in full each month, the card companies get nada. More than likely you won't pay it off and actually increase your overall compounded costs........
An interesting example of muscling in on the noose the card companies have around our collective necks don't you think?
I've never come across it anywhere before.

Perhaps this will placate those of you who were unimpressed by my recognition of the importance of being "upstanding in Medellin".

I slept like crap last night because my neck is buggered again.

Its not a picture of my neck, it just looks suitably painful to reflect the way I'm feeling in my shuffle, shuffle condition at the moment.



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