As I mentioned earlier, I arrived at 2 am to no room at the inn. I woke up early and pounded through the work and got back to my room to a number of frantic messages from the Sheraton (the guys who stiffed me last night).
Couple of phone calls later and I find myself installed in a suite .
1 for me
1 for my colleague Luis.

That's the view from the balcony (which is about 1/2 the size of last night's room) above and below.

Last night when we arrived there were 2 rooms up for grabs.
We arrived first, but hard on our heels was an Australian woman, pretty fraught and tired.
Luis checked in.
I was checking in.
Worried looks, huddled conferences behind the counter.
Would Mr Nicho and Mr Robinson care to share?
We gave up the room for the aussie.
To tell the truth, I didn't kick up a fuss.
I was tired and after the 3 hour delays, chaotic customs and scary ride from the airport I was beyond caring.
Its amazing what having International VP on your business card does to focus the mind of a hotel manager.
Thoughts of "Sheraton Embargo" no doubt running through his mind......
Anyway, the moral is....A half smile with flint hard eyes can sometimes achieve more than a tired rant.
I must bear that in mind for the future.
I attended an artery closing lunch today.
Guess which I had?

Dinner tonight and if I get a bit of time tomorrow I'll take some pictures of the city and maybe some tales regarding the evening.......
Love to all
Stay happy and healthy.

1 comment:
It is good to hear that there are still gentlemen out there. Despite this equality mad world if I was in the Aussie woman's shoes I would hope there was a Terry to come to my rescue.
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