Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Paris Hilton Mug Shots

The one on the left was at her booking the one on the right when she surrendered to do "hard" time.
Does she look distressed?
No she doesn't.
Is it just me or is she posing?
Glam mug shots.
How serious does she take this?
I guess a photo op is just that regardless of the circumstances.
This whole thing appears to be just another vehicle to keep a talentless spoilt brat in the public eye.
A little glamour for the LA penal system.
Driving home from Heathrow at about 11:30 last night I heard a 5 minute "report" on the radio about Ms Hilton's incarceration.
The G 8 summit got a mere 30 second mention
The world is mad.
Why oh why do I care about this?
I don't know.
Maybe all this flight time is warping my brain.
Pictures courtesy of The Smoking Gun.
I slept for 10 hours straight and feel marginally human.
I have a ton to do today before heading out once again in the wee hours of tomorrow.
I'll try and post some pics from Madrid later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok now I am shaking my head from side to side - just CHILL, the ton of stuff to do never gets done it just keeps on reproducing.

Do you want to swap places tomorrow - I have to teach primary kids (yikes), my brief? something on Africa!!!!!!