Thursday, July 26, 2007

Golf and the art of doing nothing

I've been spending time doing very little and have even managed to turn off my B-berry for extended periods.
Slowly but surely the circles are disappearing from under my eyes and the knots in my back are untangling themselves.
I'm also getting reacquainted with the fact that I'm crap at golf.
It's actually more complicated than that.
I'm good enough that I can make the occasional exhilarating shot and punch my fist in the air with delight only to be brought down to earth fairly soon after as the ball goes into the lake.
Or the woods.
Or hits the cart coming up the opposite fairway.
Damn clubs....... too bloody short.
A bad workman blames his tools.
I hate the bloody game.
Actually I love it.
I spent the day with my dad smacking balls around a course under a blistering sun and had about as good a time as I could imagine.
Sometimes the scorecard doesn't even begin to tell the story.
Its great to reconnect with people you love.
Not much of a post, but I'm actually doing what I'm supposed to on a holiday.
I'm relaxing.
In closing:
I've always thought cats were evil.
If you need any proof just go here.
Love all wherever you may be.

1 comment:

JR said...

Golf, ugh. Grew up playing in the midwest - where the courses are flat and greens fees CHEAP. Father loves the game - still does in late 60's - but I find it to be a very hard game, one not very suited to my 30 year old McGregor blades and my lack of playing time.

Now I find the game as appealing as an old lover . . after a couple beers in the cart I love it . . .a few more, a few more holes . .and I'm wondering just what the fuck I'm doing out here.

Debating buying new clubs . . .update into the 21st century . .in hopes of improving my game (tend towards the brutal slice) and finding the passion for the game I THINK I once had.

Nice to know the knots are fading . .and yes, sleep in the same time zone for 3-4 days will do wonders for the eyes - and complexion. Hang in there T . . . and always play the safe shot.
