Monday, July 09, 2007

The last couple of days

I spent a great day with Jess on Sunday. She's growing up quickly and I'm amazed at how her little brain is developing. It seems only a short time ago we played "I spy", and now she's demanding spelling games and reciting her times tables.

I'm sure at 7 I was quite content with I spy.

Little boys and little girls are VERY different.I hope she keeps this love of learning going. No doubt boy bands and makeup will crowd this out at some point.

I hope not.

In "Notes from a Small Island" (a hilarious American take on all things British), Bill Bryson pokes gentle fun at the bizarre village names dotting the countryside. On my way to London I pass this sign and finally stopped to take a pic. I'm sure you'll agree these places qualify as odd.

I expected to spend a couple of days in London with Jess but bits and pieces conspired to derail that plan. Instead I found myself at London Bridge Hospital with a friend who had to undergo an invasive procedure to check out his ticker. I'm happy to report all is well but it makes you think.

I was blessed with an interesting sky yesterday and I took some pictures whilst waiting for my friend.

That's it for now.

Its my birthday tomorrow and I'm a year older but none the wiser.




Anonymous said...

Hey Terry,
Happy B-day!!! Hope you're having a good one. BTW, thanks for all your support, it's great to be part of Terry's world. See you in a few days.

Terry said...

Luis runs my S America biz. He does this out of Miami.... A Peruvian living in Miami. Tha's a good thing. A better friend in Columbia or Brazil is no to be had.... Big up to ya!

Anonymous said...

¡Feliz CumpleaƱos!
Hope you had a good day and are enjoying the rest of it.

Happy Birthday Terry :-)