Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Shimmer Chinodya and Random People

We had a reading at our stand today from Shimmer Chinodya, a Zimbabwean author who is a veteran of the struggle for democracy.

He has a tremendous voice and his writing is full of wit and sadness as well as fascinating insights in the African reality. I bought and had three books autographed.

Not much to say today so I thought I'd post some random pictures of some of the people I've encountered over the past week.

Durban is a dangerous city.

Being driven through deserted streets back and forth from the bubbles of safety that are the restaurants and hotels here, I couldn't help wondering how things could be so bad. Groups of people from the convention (sometimes as many as 10 or 15) are stopped by the police and told in no uncertain terms to go back to their hotel.

Five or six people have been mugged and robbed.

Its too dangerous to walk on the streets.

Johannesburg is even worse.

What's going to happen during the World Cup I wonder?

Sorry for the negative thoughts.

Love to all


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And to think that I went out for a run at 5:30 am this morning with my dog in Toronto with no worries about safety. I didn't really need the dog for security, but rather it was my choice to have him along for company. Makes me realize how good I have it.