Thursday, October 23, 2008

I should be packing.

I should be continuing to whittle down all my worldly possessions to 5 bags of luggage.
But I don't want too right now.
I'm really fed up with it.
Fed up with , "Dump this, Oxfam that, so THAT's where that was lurking all this time".
Watching Band of Brothers for the umpteenth time before I give it away tomorrow isn't going to get this done.
My place is in a state of chaos right now, though many who know me wouldn't notice much difference.
Still, I think I'm done for tonight.
I've been trying to understand why it only takes three days to give away/dump 5 years of accumulated stuff.
None of it could be very important I guess.
I wonder what I'll squirrel away over the next year or so in HK?


Anonymous said...

I have accelerant and matches, if we build a pile out front, I reckon we could whittle it down significantly in under two hours. And toast marshmallows.


Anonymous said...

Relatively speaking, you are a mimimalist, monastic almost; the Baron's stuff includes, for example, a four foot long stuffed fish in a glass case and a huge mounted boar's head...


Terry said...

Hmmm no fish in my collection, just 4 boxes of my daughter's toys from happier days when she used to stay overnight once and a while.
I started but couldn't finish that cull.
I'll keep one toy and the rest will go to a local playschool.
They can toss what they don't want cause I can't bring myself to do it.
Strange old world.

Anonymous said...

Thank god. I would like to torch the taxidermy.

Hang fire - I'll take some for my goddaughter and colleague's 3 yr old pink lady.

Ask Jess what you should keep, she may have a favourite.

I'm sure when I was under ten girl clothes came in colours other than pink or purple?

Take care


Anonymous said...

In HK, see if they have keyboard with a breathalyser-activated locking mechanism. I could probably use one.


Terry said...

Email breathalyzer:

Not on a keyboard, but maybe we all should check it out

Anonymous said...

Compulsive hoarding:

Pictures on the right look strangely familiar...