I went into Sears to buy towels and I left with a BBQ.
Its actually more like an outside kitchen.
I arrived in Ann Arbor with all my worldly possessions in 5 bags.
In the week I've been here I've been shopping like a hurricane.
I'll take that...and that....and THAT.
Dear me,
Best Buy and I are becoming best friends
I go in to buy something small and end up caressing the HD TVs.
I've got to watch this before it gets out of hand.
Muffy, or Cindy or whatever the "greeter" at the shop's name is, has started smirking when she says (in a chirpy, perky voice) "What are you looking for today Terry?"
I say something like "photo paper"
I walk out with a wireless router and a printer.......
Most embarrassing impulse buy?
A clothing steamer.
What was I thinking?
It was in my first garbage collection
I've been spending money on all manner of crap.
And eaten a ton of crap food.
And contemplated buying/leasing a Cadillac.
I bought sour creme in a squeeze bottle today for god's sake!
What is happening to me?
When will it end?????
From HK to a spiralling frenzy of suburban consumer heaven-hell.
HK" s consumerism was at a level way outside my income.
I was a sneering bystander.
Here I'm up to it to the elbows.
I know its stupid but it"s turn on a dime pleasure.
Please don't judge me.
I'm having a real laugh judging myself.
I spend my nights surfing the web and luxuriating in living space where I can't lie on the floor and touch all the walls.
I haven't even had a beer since I've moved in.
I just walk from room to room and say to myself....man this is BIG!!!
Very different vibe.
Thank God I'm heading to Brazil at the end of the month as I'll get back to the way I'm designed to be.
Stay tuned and stay well.
Spring: nestbuilding.
When's the housewarming OX-roast BBQ?
That really is an awfully big appliance.
Welcome back to North America! You're fitting right in like you never left. Remember the white caddie in Ottawa?
When's the BBQ party?
Wherever I lay my fuck-off-bite-me BBQ, thats my home :)
Sorry I keep looking at that BBQ, in wonderment, and giggling.
Why would people be laughing?... T, you should make your place nice & chic. (Too bad I've lost all desire to style my single room.) L
Whilst I adore Terry, and know him, slightly, "nice" and "chic" would not be the first adjectives to spring to mind in his hime setting. But there you go, it's the grit that makes the pearl.
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