Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Crazy couple of weeks

I've been here, there and everywhere the last couple of weeks.
I also had my first Thanksgiving in the USof A and dined on the grub above.
Yanks do good and bad takeaway ready made meals and though it looks a bit doubtful, I thought what I scarfed down to be pretty decent fare.
I'm astonished at how big a deal Thanksgiving is here.
In terms of holidays it ranks up there with Christmas and has the same number of days off (2).
Its followed by "Black Friday" an hysterical shopping frenzy whereby usually normal people camp out in front of electronic stores at 4 am in order to bag $99 High Def TV deals.
They also buy mountains of crap destined for the dumpster before Christmas.
Strange bunch these yanks. 
The evening of Black Friday I flew to the UK.
Saturday bleary eyed and jet lagged I saw my kid.  
 Man she's growing up.
After a week of  work in London, my gorgeous wife met me at Heathrow and we flew home together for the very first time. She'd been travelling overnight from Rio but wasnt the least bit tired.
We sailed through immigration in Detroit and before I knew it were sitting together at my kitchen table contemplating an awesome future together.
She kept a smile on her face even after waking up the next morning to this......
"Terry, Its sooooo COLD"
Ermmmm.... "don't worry you'll get used to it"
It was1 degree Celsius.
I think I'll ease into the prospect of - 30..............
That's it for today folks
Stay well


Sister Sara said...

Nice one who is Cucig

RS said...

OMG, you two are so loved up it's sickening!

Sister Sara said...

Oh ya and it's no longer "my" kitchen table it is now "our" kitchen table Happy happy marriage to you love birds !