Friday, March 03, 2006

Snowbound in Frankfurt

I’m stuck here until tomorrow afternoon. It’s funny, one snowflake in the UK and everything grinds to a halt, but Heathrow is the last thing to close. This morning I took a commuter train to Friedberg to visit our office in the middle of a blizzard... and arrived 5 minutes early. Sadly, the airport is not as robust as the rail system. I don’t know how much was dumped on Frankfurt, but it was a lot, and is still falling as I type.
Quite a contrast to Madrid, which though not warm, was certainly above freezing. As usual, I ate far too much, (about a pound of red meat), too late, (you can’t get a table before 10:30), and yes,…..went a little heavy on the vino. I was dragging my ass all day yesterday.

Frankfurt never ceases to amaze...... how dull can a city be? I suppose a "wanker banker" heaven, shouldn't hold much promise, but c'mon! There are few places I can think of to conjure up the mind numbing boredom of being stuck here. Berlin is much more fun though I always feel that its decadence is just shy of being a bit sickening. Next week is Amsterdam, followed by Turkey, the US and then Israel.
Well that's it for this rather dull whinge. I hope the weather is better wherever you are.


Anonymous said...

Try minus 20 C with the wind chill. At least it's sunny and at least it's Canada.

Anonymous said...

It's one week since I said it was minus 20C in Canada (Toronto). It's going be +16C tomorrow. Isn't Toronto the greatest? It's time to come home for a visit my friend.