Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Dutch ya gotta love em.....

Some people join the army for adventure, comradeship or to serve their country.
Serving overseas in a war zone is full of hardship and doing without the everyday things you take for granted at home: local beer, home cooking, friends, family...easy access to a hooker.
The dutch army wants to ease your pain.........

Courtesy of Kassy and the New York Times

World Briefing Europe
The Netherlands: Looking for a Few Good Prostitutes

Mayor Annemarie Jorritsma-Lebbink of Almere said on Dutch television that she backed the idea of sending prostitutes to accompany Dutch troops on foreign missions. "The army must consider ways its soldiers can let off steam," she said. The Netherlands has more than 2,000 soldiers serving abroad, mostly in Afghanistan.

The Dutch army, a happy place to be all you can be.

Hope this raised a smile!


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