Monday, October 23, 2006

Sandstorm in Iraq

Tired but still kicking.

Ever feel like this guy?

It's amazing how nature can be just as frightening as anything man can dream up. As if the guys in Iraq don't have enough to contend with: check out these amazing pictures of an approaching sandstorm.

Awesome pictures.

I've lost the address these pics came from which is a drag as I'd like to credit the guy/gal who took them.

I'm presently trying to navigate through a jammed schedule for my upcoming trip to the Middle and Far East and its hard to see how I'm going to fit it all in. Presently its roughly a new city every 36 hours with a side trip to Sydney and Melbourne in the offing as a result of unfolding stuff there.

Something's got to give.....
That's it for today.

Love to all,


1 comment:

pukkanova said...

how nice to see your smiling face first thing in the morning after the crap feelings I have just written about - wish you were here, could do with getting a hug from that smiling guy big time.