Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Politically Incorrect Beer advertising

The Brits do this well .
It's funny.
It's not meant to offend anyone though inevitably it does.
I suppose that's half the fun.
All of the Ads here have caused minor to major consternation, though the more worked up the PC brigade get, the more publicity it generates.

Exhibit 1
Bishop's Finger Ale.
No explanation necessary:
Juvenile but funny and yes, it's drawn howls of protest.

During the World cup finals in Germany ( the old foe) Spitfire Ale ran a campaign which annoyed German tourists, ( well not really, it annoyed their self appointed defenders)

I dare you not to have at least a half smile on your face.

There is a WWII, anti-German theme, all in good fun of course:

This one annoyed a whole variety of people. I leave it to you to guess who.

Take a moment and figure this one out

Answers in the comments section and if you're right I'll buy you the tipple of your choice when I see you. If no one gets it, I'll give the answer tomorrow, but c'mon its not that hard! (Hint the insult is VERY British)

If you're a Brit, you'll understand the next one.

As most of you are not Brits, I'll explain.

In the Costa Del Sol, where Brits and German's flock for their holidays, there are daily battles over the sunbeds. German tourists are famous for putting their towels on the sun lounges around midnight to reserve them. The Brits arrive in the morning and the Germans have taken them all. British tourists are famous for going around the pool at 1 am and throwing all of the towels into the water. Maybe this one went a little far.

The beer is quite nice by the way.

Sales have soared, though there's no word as to how much has been exported to Germany .

Well that's it.

A well wasted lunch hour if I may say so. I hope all are happy and healthy


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

German beer is pants - I'll have a gin and tonic please!