I've a couple of new posts but you need to scroll down the page a bit. I loaded pictures and just got around to the text. The stuff seems to have published out of order, so have a look there's some cool stuff......just scroll down,
I went out last night and it was surreal and a little creepy.
Nightclubs in India are strange affairs.
Entrance fees are on par with London, which puts them in the stratosphere here.
Some of the places I went were dark and creepy though given it was early on its likely that being crowded later would give them a better vibe.
I had some interesting encounters and was with the exception of Enigma at the Marriott hotel the only white guy out it seems.
Enigma is supposed to be THE club.
It was OK though had a high school dance vibe to me.
There was lots of finger- wagging dancing (the kind you see in Bollywood films) and minor celebs watching themselves dance in the mirrors.
All in all a bit of fun but it was depressing coming out of these places and finding yourself bang in the middle of poverty.
A jarring contrast.
Check out the posts further down the page!
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You posted a TON all at once!
If you hadn't mentioned it I wouldn't have scrolled down and would have missed the great pics!
I'll be back
Really fabulous pictures, brings back a load of memories (good & bad) of growing up in Dhaka.
It is good to be reminded of the world outside - jolts me out of the daily whinge!
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