Banksy is a graffiti artist in London who's has been entertaining us all for some time now. Recently he's been to Israel and done his stuff on the wall separating the occupied territories (much to the annoyance of the authorities) as well as NYC.
He's apparently big with the Hollywood set who are buying versions of his stuff for mucho dineros.
Here's a selection of his stuff to brighten your Friday.

The set below are in Brooklyn.

In addition to his outside stuff, he likes to parody "serious" art and hang his pieces unannounced in galleries around town. His most famous prank is the first picture which hung in the Museum of Natural History, amongst a cave drawings exhibition. It took the staff three days to notice. 

Apparently he's struck again on the wall of a Barclay's Bank in North London.

I hope everyone has a good weekend planned.
I know I do.
Love to all
i HEART banksy!!!
Errrmm...not sure what that means, but OK maybe Banksy does.
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