Self portrait in a Bombay hotel room at 1 am.
Actually that sounds a tad creepy......
I've arrived in Mumbai after a day in Bangalore the center of outsourcing and code writing in India.
It also has the most expensive hotels I've ever encountered as well as the most pleasant climate on the continent. Mid 70's and little humidity.
Here are a few more shots from the back of a cab. The above is a very Indian way of securing luggage. I'm happy to report that all arrived intact at the airport.
I flew to Mumbai via KingFisher Airlines ( Yep the same company that makes the beer). The stewardess ' are young and pretty and personally interviewed by the owner. This guy styles himself as a sort of Indian Richard Branson. The interview thing is a bit iffy I grant you, but I have to say they're more than pretty faces. We were flying in a Monsoon with the predictable roller coaster bouncing around. On board a passenger became seriously ill. The girls stayed right with him, kneeling in the aisle, bringing water and towels, and generally taking shifts at reassurance.
Not bad for kids I'd say.
A tip of the hat to them.
Arriving in Bombay is trippy and more so in the middle of a storm.
That's it.....I'm too bagged out to post anymore.I hope all is well with you wherever you may be.
Trying to work out whether the b&w or the colour photo is worse.
Less torn and frayed more haunted.
Make time for some rest when you get back.
Dear me.....I've been off the booze for 5 days and apparently it's translating into a rather grim look.
Oh well beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess.
The "arteeest" is always misunderstood.
One day these studies in travel weariness will be hailed as the height of introspective self expression.
Or not.
Until then I suppose I'll continue to express my inner jetlag and road weariness through the thoughtful mode of the self portrait.
A tad up self indulgent I agree but its my blog so I can do what I want.
Ahh but have you been off the cancer sticks??
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