Thursday, June 28, 2007

New Delhi

Greetings from New Delhi.
There has been absolutely no time on this trip for strolling around taking pictures. Its been a progression of meetings, taxis to and fro, and remembering to take the horse pills. All these pictures were taken from the back of a taxi with exception of the two at the hotel. India is one of the few places I don't hunch over my Blackberry in the back of a car.
The pics aren't the greatest but I guess they're representative of what you can see if you look out the window as you trundle through the city.
Quite a contrast huh?
The weather was coolish in a pre-monsoon kind of way.
As I write this I'm in Bangalore where I'll stay until tomorrow evening and then fly to Mumbai.
That's it for now as its 12:45 and my bed beckons.
Better pics to come with any luck.


Anonymous said...

Yet again some pretty great pics, especially considering they were taken from the back of a car.

pukkanova said...

hey there - nice to see your smiling face, seems the horse pills are working, or is that the grin of pain?
not much to report here - well, there is, but not here - haha
be well T
happy trails to Mumbai