Friday, June 08, 2007


I spent last night and three hours today doing what I had thought to myself I would NOT do. I went out in Medllin. Last night's foray ended up in a very Trippy club called Mango. The place was so strange that I'm going back tonight armed with my camera and a serious flash. Check later for pics.
You won't be disappointed believe me.
This afternoon I went into town and up a cable car into SantoDomingo.
It was hot.
In town my colleagues took me to a park featuring sculptures by Medellin native Botero

The center of town has dozens of his sculptures and I took plenty of pics which I'll post some other time (or not). There is a heavy police/army presence though the atmosphere felt anything but tense. The big guns and dogs however many there are, seem to be part of the lanscape rather than central to it.
He's buying a phone card not checking papers. The guy below snapped open his gun and struck a pose and burst into a big smile after the "click, click, click".Lest you think everything is all hype the picture below tells a rather sober story.
Bikers have to wear vests and helmets (as well as any passengers) displaying the licence plate number. If you're not wearing it you're considered a terrorist.
The preferred method of sprayed machine gun mayhem is from the back of a bike.
All is not peaceful all the time.

There are displaced people all over the city, whether glue sniffing kids or peasents forced from the countryside by the ongoing war with the insurgents/narco terroists.

Medellin is one of those places where I stand out.

Everywhere I've gone, with the exception of the upmarket mall next to the hotel, I'm the only Gringo in sight.

Columbians seem friendly and curious and I've never felt my radar go off.

I hope that doesn't have a "famous last words" ring to it.

A false sense of security is the best way to get your ass kicked so I'll continue to be careful.

Regardless the medical and sex tourists are missing out on some interesting stuff as I had a really great day today.

I guess it helps to conquer timidity when you're hosted by savy locals.

From the park I took a 20 minute subway/train (which would put NYC or London's to shame) to the cable car. The ride up takes about 15 minutes and carries you over the Columbian equivilant of "affordable" housing
Ten minutes at the top and then back downtown and a cab to the hotel.
Thats it for now.
Check back for pics from tonight!
Love to all


Anonymous said...

what a cute cop :)

Colette said...

Nice insight into Medellin. My friend said I can go with her to visit her family when it gets safer. Crossing my fingers.
Nice specs by the way.
