Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Casablanca club on Florida street, Durban

Dear, oh dear, oh dear .
I think I will fall backwards into my bed and sleep in the suit I put on at 6:30 this morning.
Draw what conclusions from that what you will.
Why oh why do I punish myself so?
The morning will be an interesting exercise in hell...........
It is what it is.
Love T


Anonymous said...

ha! your turn to go play with the kiddies, eh? Painful, isn't it? Hope you managed a laugh or two.


Anonymous said...

I've seen it and been there with you through it before. It will hurt and I am glad that I am not you right now, but in a funny way I wish I was there at the Casablanca Club tonight. I know you well Terry and I know where you're at.