Sunday, September 09, 2007


I spent the weekend with Jess.
There's more to that than you think.
I had a wonderful time with my 7 year old though its always a double edged sword.
I hadn't seen her in a while and this is the beginning of a three weekend in a row run. I'll be flying out and flying in, organising parents, hotels in London, getting everyone together and trying to pretend there's a measure of normality about it all.
Its always hard to say goodbye to my kid.
I'm so desperate to make everyday with her memorable.
The truth is it just blends into a confusing mix.
She's wiser than I am in that she seems content to hold hands, sit on my knee and draw pictures.
I'm struggling with everything truth be known.
I have a few friends who are in this situation, or about to be in it and frankly I have no words of reassurance.
Its crap and sad and feels very difficult to endure at times.
The two hour drive back to Cambridge always settles me down, so all is well.
It was a good day all things considered.

We started at 8:15 and ate a huge brekkie before going to the Teddy Bear Factory, where Jess selected a leopard - sorry its name is "Kelly". You get a birth certificate, and do all the "stuff" associated.

I drew the line at buying baby clothes. I'm not sure if you can tell from the picture below but Jess is wearing "heelies".

These are terrifying wheels in the heel of her trainers which result in scuffed knees and elbows.
Quite scary for a dad to watch.
Lots of hill seeking and weaving shopper dodging.
Yesterday I just towed her around.
Today I saw them at their fullest heart-in-mouth potential.


That's it.
Lots coming up over the next three weeks: Israel, Vienna, Barcelona, Budapest, Mexico, NYC and Brazil, with flights back to London in between.

Love to all.

Be good.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey T,
just went to your blog after not checking it out in a while. Cute pics of Jess. Weird enough I bought Maggi (my daughter) the exact same stuffed animal a couple of weeks ago. It is actually a Cheetah (Maggi calls hers Cheetoh). I did fall for the baby clothes, etc. 50 bucks for a stuffed animal - damn!!! Interesting what you wrote on that post. It hit home (or whatever I pretend there's left of it...) Life is shit right now. Really looking forward to Budapest next week. Hopefully we'll have sometime to enjoy some beers and catch up. See you next week.
