Monday, November 24, 2008

Sometimes life throws up a smile when you least expect it

By complete fluke I came across this tribute band's website.
Sitting at my desk in Hong Kong as the day winds down here, all I could do was gape in wonder.
You can see for yourself here.
There are videos of live performances on You Tube for god's sake. (Check here)
Lest you think Mini Kiss is a one off, they have competition from the rival " Little Kiss". Apparently there's no love lost between the two bands as they're constantly bad mouthing each other in the press.
You just couldn't make this up.
There are plenty of other musical "mini-me's" out there as evidenced by the site Mini
What a strange world we live in.
Nothing about travel today, but hey, where else could you find out about a band of dwarfs donning make up and performing covers of " I wanna rock and roll all night"?
Hope it raised a smile

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

PORG rock, who would have thought it.