Sunday, February 08, 2009

Chinese New Year's dinner and prayers for a prosperous 2009

On Friday evening I had Chinese New Year's dinner with my Hong Kong office. Above and below:
Suckling pig (complete with flashing lights for eyes)
Shark fin soup
Abalone and goose foot
Unidentified red fishEarlier in the day I'd been with the team to a Temple in the New Territories. To my enduring shame I can't remember its Chinese name, but the English translation means "Engine Temple".
All things business are prayed for at the shrine inside and it is a tradition for office staff to decamp there on Chinese New Year to pray for good fortune for the business in the coming year.Whether you've just bought a taxi and want to pray for the good fortune of the business or a CEO employing 1000's, you head to the temple, burn Joss sticks and get a "professional" prayer maker to recite an plea on behalf of your venture.
This is not a place for asthmatics.
The smoke is thick and a bit oppressive even for a smoker like myself. That's it for today.
After the dinner I had a few drinks and went home for a night of tossing and turning trying to sleep.
Bleary eyed, I was up at the crack of dawn to fly to the UK.
Sixteen hours later I set down here in the UK.
I hit the sack at 7 pm last night and slept 12 hours.
I was supposed to see my daughter this morning, but like countless times before, it is not to be.
Tomorrow, I'm catching a flight to Rio via Madrid and catch my flight at 6 am from the hell hole that is Heathrow.
I've got a grey Sunday to kill in London first.Stay well everyone.


Anonymous said...

Not seeing Jess? Words fail me.
Take care

Anonymous said...

What to do? How about this?

The Photographer's Gallery 16 - 18 Ramillies street (Oxford Circus tube)
"The Photographers' Gallery is the largest public gallery in London dedicated to photography. From the latest emerging talent, to historical archives and established artists - we are the place to see photography in all its forms."

Or this,

Buddy Holly: The Making of an American Legend
Until Sun Apr 26 FREE
Proud Central, 32 John Adam St, London, WC2N 6BP
Photo exhibition marking 50 years since the death of the bespectacled rock 'n' roller.
Times: Mon-Sat 11am-7pm, Sun 11am-6pm
Travel: Charing Cross/Embankment


Anonymous said...

so sorry you missed jess! xoxolisa

Anonymous said...

damn! sorry to hear you missed Jess Terry. Be well - happy and safe travels - KS, Courtney and Odette

Anonymous said...

Hey mate,

if you get time could you please take some photos of people doing Capoeria?

Thanks Brad and Kev!

Anonymous said...

Hi Terry :) you look so well and happy , poor Jess missing you too :( penny xx