Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Jess, riding and Diwali in Trafalgar Square

I spent the last weekend in Ireland with Jess, my sister and her family and mum and dad. As always with these trips it was a mad dash in and out.
I was especially tired as I'd only just got back from Barcelona where I'd spent all of 22 hours.
My daughter( like most little girls) is horse crazy. She's getting pretty good and I was the proud dad as she cruised around the arena. Last weekend we wandered around London and came upon Diwali celebrations in Trafalgar Square. Neither my daughter or I had ever seen this before.Before you know it we were dancing along with everyone else.
I wonder how long it will be before she wouldn't be caught dead dancing with her old man?
Nine year olds aren't too embarrassed by silly 40 something dads.
That's a good thing because we had a blast.
Finally, my kid decided it was time for her to take the pictures and it was me who she decided needed snapped.
Here I am through the lens of my little girl:
That's it for today.
I'm off to Germany.

Love to all

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
