Friday, April 06, 2007

Spring in Cambridge means cows on the common and less benign wildlife

This is me looking far too serious on a beautiful spring day in front of my place. I live on Midsummer Common and when the sun is shining its as nice a place to be that I can think of.
When I first moved here I discovered a rather unexpected "feature" of the green space in front of my house. Subject to the ancient law of "common land", Midsummer Common can be used by farmers to graze their cattle. The first summer I was here there were half a dozen cows wandering day and night. They'd disappeared for the past two years as a result of repairs on a bridge over the river (the health and safety Nazis thought it prudent).
The repairs are finished and the cows are back. I can hear the "how quaint" refrain from my yank readers echoing all the way across the pond.
Realise however that cows are excrement machines.
Walking home, merry after and evening of Guinness or Jameson's, one can find himself listing sideways with a wet, pungent, squish.
One memorable morning at 2 am after driving 2 hours from a late arrival at Heathrow, my suitcase trailing behind me ceased to roll and became a shit bulldozer.

That memory raised a smirk at least.
The sunny weather also attracts an altogether different animal to the common. Unfortunately, this species sees this green space as the ideal place to transact its own version of commerce. And inevitably samples its own wares with predictable results. I hope my little post has brightened your world wherever that may be. I'm up at 4 am tomorrow for an early pickup and will post again from Dubai where I plan to do a little spring skiing. Puzzled by that?
Stay tuned.
The new haircut in the pics is the result of a compromise with a very camp hairdresser who took it upon himself to try and give me a Robbie Williams rooster crest.

I'm 43 for God's sake!

The Middle East is not the place to try out such foolishness.
I'll leave you all with a cheesy grin.

Love to all


Anonymous said...

One should always listen to one's hairdresser :o) I am sure you could pull off a Robbie cut!

Anonymous said...

robbie williams rooster crest??? hilarious!