When I woke up, this was the view from my hotel window:Forty-one degrees Celsius and the poor buggers work through the sun on the year's longest day.
Back to Bangalore.
I had 2 hours yesterday and accompanied by my colleague Prya did a little exploring.The guy below is a key maker. It's a little different process from the spinning grinders we're all familiar with.Though vastly different from the west, Bangalore doesn't feel as poor as other cities I've visited in India. The fact that its the centre of IT outsourcing in the world may have something to do with it.
The Church of the Infant Jesus, was built because someone had a dream that there was a statue buried in the mud. Digging produced an "Infant Jesus" statue complete with a rather Hindu hand gesture.
The Church has a rather unique and Indian take on Christianity.
Apparently it's a place of miracles. Miracles are a big industry in India and they're an all important measurement for financial success. Given two or three years ago the shrine was housed in a wooden hut, I'd say the miraculous baby Jesus is translating into a good little earner. Overall I found the place rather bizarre and apart from the exploitation of poor people's hope, struggled to recognize much in relation to the Christianity I'm accustomed too."Honour"= donation.We also went to a small market.
The chillies below would blow your head off.I don't care if you're a veteran of Caribbean, Thai or Anglo-Indian vindaloos, your fillings will melt in your mouth if you take a crack at these peppers.
As usual there was "butcher's alley". Though it was nowhere near as horrifying as the Crawford Market in Mumbai (go here, its halfway down the page but I warn you it could make you wretch!), it was tough going.
We walked around (well Prya stayed in the car) areas where normally in the west, I'd be afraid to tread. As has always been my experience in India I was met with nothing less than good humor and welcoming smiles
That's it for today.
Tomorrow morning I fly to the UK but alas will be home for less than 24 hours.
Monday morning I head to Frankfurt, then its on to Rome Tuesday evening. All being well I'll be back to see Jess by the end of the week.
I'll post as and when something interesting pops in my path.
Happy Birthday (yesterday) SG!!!!! Love T
I have an internet pen pal from India. He's very rich, a Brahmin --only grudingly admitting to it though. So I wonder what the quaters of the rich would look like over there... L.
Did you see the sign on the blue door?
Its the original Swastica and is an ancient Hindu symbol.
Hitler reversed the directions. I explained a bit more about it here:
on an earlier trip to Delhi.
Its about halfway doen the page
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